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发布时间:2021-07-06 17:02:37 点击次数:

623日至25日,来自bat365官网登录以及附属东方医院的专家学者们与德国科隆大学bat365的同行相聚云端,开展了为期三天的高强度、高智识的深入交流对话。此次论坛旨在为国内外优秀学者提供一个高质量的学术交流平台,探讨当下肿瘤转化医学领域的前沿与热点,促进科研团队间的彼此了解和思想碰撞,推动同济医学的对德合作关系在高水平上进一步发展。德国科隆大学bat365副院长、附属医院普通、内脏和移植外科主任、德意志利奥波第那自然科学院院士Christiane Bruns教授,德国科隆大学bat365国际事务代表、附属医院小儿心内科主任Konrad Brockmeier教授,bat365官网登录院长郑加麟教授,附属东方医院副院长徐增光教授等出席并致开幕辞。

Tongji-Cologne Symposium on Translational Oncology, held between June 23rd and 25th 2021, was a resounding success, with experts and scholars participating remotely from Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai East Hospital, as well as the University of Cologne, School of Medicine and University hospital of Cologne in Germany, in the three-day high-levelintellectual and in-depth exchanges and discussions. The symposium provided a high-quality academic exchange platform for outstanding scholars from home and abroad, to observe the current research hotspots and discuss the frontier trends in the field of translational oncology, to enhance mutual understanding and encourage sharing of ideas among research teams, thus boosting Tongji Medicine's cooperation with Germany to a higher level. Prof. Dr. Christiane Bruns (Vice Dean of Cologne University School of Medicine / Director of the Department of General, Visceral, Tumor and Transplantation Surgery / member of Leopoldina (the German National Academy of Sciences)), Professor Dr. Konrad Brockmeier (Faculty Representative for Internationalization at the University of Cologne School of Medicine / Director of the Department of Pediatric Cardiology at the Heart Centre of the University Hospital of Cologne), Prof. Dr Prof. Jialin Zheng, Dean of Tongji University School of Medicine, and Prof. Zengguang Xu, Vice President of East Hospital affiliated to Tongji University, attended the symposium and gave the opening remarks.


由中方和德方共计十余人组成的嘉宾学者对阵团组围绕“肿瘤基因组学”、“肿瘤微环境”和“癌症免疫疗法最新进展”三个分论坛主题进行了有代表性的精彩演讲,报告内容包括:神经母细胞瘤的临床和遗传学基础、肿瘤靶向线粒体、神经内分泌肺癌的分子特征、冷等离子体在肿瘤学中的应用、胃肠道肿瘤的分子诊断等。本次论坛同时也得到了德国科隆大学肿瘤整合治疗中心(Cologne Center for Integrated Oncology (CIO))的大力支持,该中心Dr. Cornelia von Levetzow博士系统地介绍了CIO的最新前沿多学科肿瘤诊治的理念和构架。来自双方院校的近百名研究生参与了本次论坛,并将获得由双方院校联合颁发的学时证书。每一次结束,都是另一种开始,bat365今后将会继续努力搭建类似的活动平台,进一步促进学术交流与融合、开阔学生视野、体验多元文化、促进全面发展。与会者纷纷发言表示对此十分支持,期待下一次的相聚、交流。

Organized into three sessions on the respective topic of "Tumor Genomics", "Cancer Microenvironment", and "Updates of Cancer Immunotherapy", the symposium was featured with plenty of informative and representative presentations by a dozen of Chinese and German experts and scholars, namely Clinical and genetic basis of neuroblastoma, Targeting Mitochondria in Cancer, Molecular Characteristics of neuroendocrine lung cancers, Cold Atmospheric Plasma and its Application in Oncology, Molecular diagnostics in GI tumors and etc. One of the most noteworthy endeavours was made by the Cologne Center for Integrated Oncology (CIO) to facilitate the symposium and to have the coordinator Dr. Cornelia von Levetzow share an overview of updates and highlights of the expertise and experience of CIO on multidisciplinary management of cancer patients. Nearly 100 graduate students from both universities remotely participated in the online symposium and each would receive an electronic certificate of completion jointly issued by both universities. Just as every end is a new beginning, the School of Medicine would support similar activities in its continued efforts more firmly than ever to further facilitate academic exchange and transdisciplinary integration, broaden students' international horizons, acknowledge the cultural diversity, and to promote students' all-round development. Lastly, participants expressed their great support and looked forward to the next meetup.



The University of Cologne is a member of the U15, the association of Germanys leading research-intensive universities, and a member of the Coimbra Group, the oldest and highest-ranked university alliance in Europe. With a long history and excellent international academic reputation, the University of Cologne prides itself on having produced so many talents including Nobel laureates and Leibniz Prize winners. Over the past years, a future-oriented all-round friendly and cooperative partnership between Tongji University and the University of Cologne has maintained a sound momentum, through a series of short-term exchanges of faculty, scholars and students, research projects and joint training of graduate students.



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