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发布时间:2013-04-09 14:57:36 点击次数:
















日本的Kinichi Nakashima教授在做题为Neurons Derived from Transplanted Neural

Stem Cells Reconstruct Disrupted Neuronal Circuits in the Injured Mouse Spinal Cord的报告





Progress in Pluripotent Stem Cells and Therapeutic Cloning




日本教授Hideyuki Okano博士为大家带来了题为

Strategies Toward Regeneration of Damaged CNS Using iPS cells的精彩报告





李华顺教授的演讲“GSα Controls Asymmetric Cell Division of Cortical

Progenitors by Vesicular trafficking of Polarity Cures”深得同行称道 





德国著名干细胞研究科学家、科隆大学的Jürgen Hescheler教授在演讲中

&nbs, p;


美国麻省总医院Kenneth R. Chien教授的演讲“The Islet heart progenitor story:

Towards cardiovascular regenerative medicine”让与会者获益良多




UCLAJin Hyung Lee教授在其题为“Brain Circuit Debugging with

Optogenetic Functional MRI的讲演中,







健康科学研究所PI金颖教授的演讲Nucleolin maintains

self-renewal of embryonic stem cells via suppression of the p53-depedent






NIBS高绍荣教授,以“Pluripotency of iPS cells derived from different cell types and

potential application”为题,带大家走到iPS研究的一个前沿领域







Generation and potential application of induced pluripotent stem cell lines from rat and pig






Functional characterization of cardiomyocytes derived from murine induced pluripotent

 stem cells in vitro 展示了对心肌干细胞相关的功能研究进展








西班牙Seville神经科学研究所的Rafael Fernández-Chacón教授,在做题为Cysteine string

protein-alpha prevents activity-dependent degeneration in GABAergic synapses”的报告





美国Emory大学的Assistant Professor,Dr. Junmin Peng的演讲题为:

Proteomics in Basic and Clinical Research










新加坡基因组研究所的Yijun Ruan副教授,本次演讲的题目是:

Chromatin Interaction and Transcription Regulation








美国德克萨斯州大学西南医学中心的Gang Yu副教授,在为大家做

题为“Biology of Alzheimer’s Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia”的演讲









美国约翰霍普金斯大学细胞工程研究所Guo-li Ming副教授的演讲题目是:

Modeling neurological diseases using patient derived iPS cells










 加拿大多伦多大学Samuel Lunenfeld研究院西奈山医院的Mei Zhen教授在做

Innexins Coordinate the Activity State of C. elegans Locomotory Circuits”报告









新加坡Singapore Bioimaging ConsortiumWeiping Han副教授的演讲

Imaging in Metabolic Diseases and Beyond”让人有些耳目一新的感觉







年内第二次受邀来上海的美国Emory大学Keqiang Ye副教授,

本次的演题题目是:Drug Development of A TrkB Agonist







葛兰素史克中国研发中心(GSK R&D China)技术开发部主任Zhong Zhong博士带来的报告是:

Stem cell-enabled compound screening that targets Neurogensis







压轴报告的嘉宾是来自日本RIEKN的著名干细胞/发育生物学专家Shin-Ichi Nishikawa教授,

带来了“The Pathway of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Development Explained”的精彩讲演

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